What areas of study are available at the Hindu University of America?

Short description of the areas of study available at the Hindu University of America

1) Hindu Studies Foundations - The Hindu Studies Foundations area is a collection of Core Courses, including many Graduate level mandatory courses, required for most graduate degrees. They provide a basic understanding of the central themes and ideas of Hinduism that constitute the common foundations of the great variety of traditions and practices within the umbrella of Sanātana Dharma. This area includes courses in the various primary texts of Hindu Dharma such as the Vedas, Vedānta, Yoga, Bhagavad Gita, the Dharma Shastras and the Systems of Hindu Philosophy called the Ṣaḍ-Darśana.

2) Sanskrit Studies - An immersive study of the Sanskrit language in the Sanskrit medium. To take graduate-level courses, a student needs to demonstrate proficiency in the Sanskrit language by clearing the Sanskrit Proficiency test (SPT)

3) Texts and Traditions - A collection of courses that take the student into a much deeper exploration of idividual knowledge systems rooted in and emerging from Hindu thought.

4) Postcolonial Hindu Studies - A collection of courses that investigate the cultural legacy of colonialism and imperialism, focusing on the human consequences of the control and exploitation of Hindu society and civilization. 

5) History and Methods - A deep dive into the evolution of European thought as it emerged through what has been called the “Enlightenment”, “Renaissance” and “Reformation” eras. 

6) Conflict and Peace Studies - This area enriches the discipline of Conflict and Peace Studies by providing a Hindu perspective.

7) Yoga Studies - The Yoga Studies area presents a collection of courses that represent an interdisciplinary approach to the study of Yoga in its full range of ideas, practices, values and benefits.

To learn more click here: https://www.hua.edu/academics/areas-of-study/